Java Script


DocumentGetElemetnByID Function July 2020

Modal Popup(2010)

Input Mask

Input Mask (Numeric Only)

Popup Window Function

Key Trapping

Javascript email validator (Keywords: validate email)

Format Commands

KeyPress Trapping...

Javascript Timer…

Popup window that disappears on blur…

Trim Function
How to hide controls when printing…

How disable printing…

Submit on keypress…

Javascript Error Trapping

How to disable a button on submit…

How to set a style through code (Visiblility Hidden)…

How to disable back button (browser history)

RegisterClientScriptBlock and RegisterStartupScript

JavaScript Postback and run code behind the cmdNext button

Javascript include file directive

Disable Control (ctrl) key

Wait Cursor function

Open A Popup Window, Get Data, Place In The Parent Window

Always On Top Code…

Get Values From A DropDownList And Place Them Somewhere Else

Allow Tab Key In A Text Area


Set Focus…

Javascript Mid or substring function

Select A DataGrid Row By Clicking Anywhere In The Row.  Also = ‘hand’

Tab between fields automatically when the textbox is full…

Select A Value From A Popup Page

How to change the background color of a datagrid on the mouseover…

Close A Window without IE’s annoying Prompt

Disable the submit button after the user clicks on it…

This command will show the control where the cursor was after a click (ActiveElement)…
Scroll a Panel or a Div automatically…       

Trim Function

Hide Show Control/Frame/Panel

This JavaScript was used in the PanalBar OnClick Event To Submit the ASP.Net Page.
JavaScript:return getconfirm();function getconfirm() { if (confirm('Do you want to submit this form?')==true) document.Form1.submit(); else return false;}