Parent Page…
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Building the client script-, with additional parameters
Dim ClientScript As String
ClientScript = "'PopUpPage.aspx','PopUp','width=350px,height=300px,left='+((screen.width -250) / 2)+',top='+ (screen.height - 300) / 2+'');return false;"
'regiter the script to the clientside click event of the 'opener' control
cmdOpen.Attributes.Add("onClick", ClientScript)
End Sub
Popup Page…
Private Sub txtOk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtOk.Click
'Close the windows and place the selected value in the Calling Form's Control.....
'This is the name of the control, on the calling page, to place the selected value.
Dim CallingPageControlToPlaceValue As String = "txtExamDate"
Dim str As String = "<script>window.opener.document.forms[0]." + CallingPageControlToPlaceValue + ".value='" & lstExamDate.SelectedItem.Text & "';self.close()</script>"
RegisterClientScriptBlock("test", str)
End Sub
Here’s a little more complcated version of the popup page script… It
Updates more than 1 item from the calling page…
Dim a() As String = Split(lstLev.SelectedItem.Value, " | ")
Dim str As String
If UBound(a) >= 0 Then
str = "<script>window.opener.document.forms[0]." + "txtLev1" + ".value='" & a(0) & "';"
str = "<script>window.opener.document.forms[0]." + "txtLev1" + ".value='" & " " & "';"
End If
If UBound(a) >= 1 Then
str = str & "window.opener.document.forms[0]." + "txtLev2" + ".value='" & a(1) & "';"
str = str & "window.opener.document.forms[0]." + "txtLev2" + ".value='" & " " & "';"
End If
str = str & "self.close()</script>"
RegisterClientScriptBlock("test", str)