Calling Page Code.  Place in Page_Load Event...



        'Place this code in the Calling Page's PAGE_LOAD Event. This code will setup the Onclick Attribute

        'of the OpenerControl,(CommandButton), to call the Popup page.




        '************** User defined variables ************************************************************************

        Dim strPopUp As String = "PopUp.aspx" 'Name of PopUp Page To Open

        Dim OpenerControl As WebControl = cmdSelect 'Name of Web Control, That When Clicked Will open the PopUp Window

        Dim iHeight As Integer = 300 'Height of Popup Window

        Dim iWidth As Integer = 300 ' Width of PopUp Window




        Dim JavaScript As String

        Dim windowAttribs As String

        windowAttribs = "width=" & iWidth & "px," & "height=" & iHeight & "px," & _

          "left='+((screen.width -" & iWidth & ") / 2)+'," & "top='+ (screen.height - " & iHeight & ") / 2+'"


        JavaScript = "'" & strPopUp & "','" & "MyWindowName" & "','" & windowAttribs & "');return false;"

        'regiter the script to the clientside click event of the 'opener' control

        OpenerControl.Attributes.Add("onClick", JavaScript)


        '********** End of code to appear in calling page's Page_Load Event ********************************************




Popup Page Code.  Place in "Return" button's Click Event...



'This code will return the value selected back to the calling page.  Place this code in the OnClick

'Event of the 'Return To Calling Page' Button on the Popup Page.


'***** User Defined Variable *************************************************************************

'Name of control, on the calling page, that will receive the information entered on this PopUp page.

 Dim strNameOfCallingPageControlToReceiveSelectedData As String = "txtReturnedValue"

'Name of control, on the popup page, that holds the information being returned to the calling page.

 Dim ReturnControl As WebControls.TextBox = txtValueToReturn



Dim strScript As String = ""

strScript = "<script>window.opener.document.forms[0]." + strNameOfCallingPageControlToReceiveSelectedData + ".value = '"

strScript = strScript & ReturnControl.Text

strScript = strScript & "';self.close()"

strScript = strScript & "</" + "script>"

RegisterClientScriptBlock("test", strScript)