Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


        'Remove all the current rows and cells.



        Dim row, col As Integer

        For row = 0 To 3

            'Create a new TableRow object.

            Dim rowNew As New TableRow

            'Put the TableRow in the Table.



            For col = 0 To 3

                'Create a new TableCell object.

                Dim cellNew As New TableCell()

                cellNew.Text = "Example Cell (" & row.ToString() & ","

                cellNew.Text &= col.ToString() & ")"


                cellNew.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Double

                cellNew.BorderWidth = Unit.Pixel(2)


                'Put the TableCell in the TableRow.



            Next col


        Next row

    End Sub