Public Class Form1

    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form



    'Place this code as Formwise global     *

    Dim c(6, 0) As String                  '*

    Dim xx, yy As Long                     '*



    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


        'Place this code in the Form_Load Event                  '*

        xx = Me.ClientSize.Width                                 '*

        yy = Me.ClientSize.Height                                '*

        InitializeResize(Me, xx, yy)                             '*


    End Sub


    Private Sub Form1_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Resize


        'Place this code in the Form_Resize Event     '*

        Dim sX, sY As Double                          '*

        Dim j As Integer                              '*


        On Error Resume Next                          '*

        sX = Me.ClientSize.Width / xx                 '*

        sY = Me.ClientSize.Height / yy                '*

        For j = 1 To c.GetUpperBound(1)               '*

            ResizeControls(Me, c(0, j), j, sX, sY)    '*

        Next j                                        '*


    End Sub


    '******** Add this sub to the Form **********************************************

    Private Sub InitializeResize(ByVal ct As Object, ByVal w As Long, ByVal h As Long)

        Dim i, k As Integer

        Dim ctl As Control

        For Each ctl In ct.Controls

            If ctl.Name = "" Then Exit For

            k = c.GetUpperBound(1)

            ReDim Preserve c(6, k + 1)

            c(0, k + 1) = ctl.Name

            c(1, k + 1) = ctl.Left

            c(2, k + 1) = ctl.Top

            c(3, k + 1) = ctl.Width

            c(4, k + 1) = ctl.Height

            c(5, k + 1) = ctl.Font.Size

            c(6, k + 1) = ctl.Font.Style

            i = ctl.Controls.Count

            If i > 0 Then

                InitializeResize(ctl, ctl.Width, ctl.Height)

            End If

        Next ctl

    End Sub


    '****** Add this sub to the Form **************************************************

    Private Sub ResizeControls(ByVal cm As Object, ByVal s As String, ByVal n As Integer, ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As                               Double)

        Dim i, k As Integer

        Dim ct As Control

        For Each ct In cm.controls

            If ct.Name = s Then

                ct.Left = c(1, n) * x

                ct.Top = c(2, n) * y

                ct.Width = c(3, n) * x

                ct.Height = c(4, n) * y

                If x < y Then

                    ct.Font = New System.Drawing.Font(ct.Font.Name, c(5, n) * x)


                    ct.Font = New System.Drawing.Font(ct.Font.Name, c(5, n) * y)

                End If

                ct.Font = New System.Drawing.Font(ct.Font, c(6, n))

                Exit For


                ResizeControls(ct, s, n, x, y)

            End If


    End Sub



End Class