1.                  Create a project and add a Windows Form, then add a  DataGrid, (DataGrid1), to it.


1.                  Add these 2 files, KDNGrid.vb and CGridNew.vb to the project.


2.                  Add this “imports” statement to the Form:     Imports WindowsApplication1.KnowDotNet.KDNGrid

(Note: Rename WindowsApplication1 to your project name)


3.                  Create your DataSet that you will bind to the DataGrid.  (objDs.tables(“MyTable”))


4.                  Add the sub below to your Form.  Modify the sub by changing the “ColumnX” to fields in your dataset.


5.                  Call the sub below passing the sub the objDs.tables(“MyTable”) you created in steop 4 above.



Private Sub LoadGridFromDB(ByVal DataSetTable)

    'The parameter passed in is the objDs.tables(“MyTable”) DataSet

    'This method loads the grid from a Microsoft Access Database



    'Clear any existing TableStyles



    'Create a TableStyle to which ColumnStyles will be added

    Dim ts As DataGridTableStyle = CGrid.GetTableStyle(DataSetTable)



    'TextBox Column

    Dim cs1 As New CGridTextBoxStyle("FullName", 80, HorizontalAlignment.Left, False, "Editable", String.Empty, "")

    CGrid.AddColumn(ts, cs1)



    'Multiline TextBox Column

    Dim cs2 As New CGridMultiLineTextBoxStyle("Comment", 200, HorizontalAlignment.Left, False, "MultiLine Column", "")

    CGrid.AddColumn(ts, cs2)



    'CheckBox Column

    Dim cs3 As New CGridCheckBoxStyle("Active", 60, HorizontalAlignment.Center, False, "Check It!", "", False, True, False, False)

    CGrid.AddColumn(ts, cs3)



    'ComboBox Column

    Dim Items() As String = {"MIS", "Test Dev", "Admin"}

    Dim cs4 As New CGridComboBoxStyle("Department", 60, HorizontalAlignment.Left, "Select It!", "No", Items, ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList)

    CGrid.AddColumn(ts, cs4)



    'NumericUpDown Column

    Dim cs5 As New CGridNumericUpDownStyle("SkillLevel", 60, "Skill Level", 0, 100, 0, 1, LeftRightAlignment.Right, 0, "#,##0")

    CGrid.AddColumn(ts, cs5)




    'Set an AlternatingBackColor - just for looks

    ts.AlternatingBackColor = Color.LightGoldenrodYellow


    'Set the TableStyle for the Grid

    CGrid.SetGridStyle(Me.DataGrid1, DataSetTable, ts)


    'Prevent the user from adding rows to the grid

    CGrid.DisableAddNew(DataGrid1, Me)


    'Turn off the title bar for the grid

    Me.DataGrid1.CaptionVisible = False


  End Sub