The DataView




            Dim dv As DataView

            dv = objDs.Tables("Can").DefaultView()

            'You can sort by any field....

            dv.Sort = "ssn"

            '... Or you can filter the view down to 1 field...

            dv.RowFilter = "ssn = '-00000014'"


            DataGrid1.DataSource = dv



            'This will return just the amount of rows in the DataView...

            txtCount.Text = objDs.Tables("Can").DefaultView.Count


            'This will return all the rows in the table...

            txtTotal.Text = objDs.Tables("Can").Rows.Count





How To Reference A Field In A DataView…


        Dim dv As DataView = objDs.Tables("Can").DefaultView

        dv.RowFilter = "Lname = 'SisCo'"





'How to loop through records in a DataView...


        dv = objDs.Tables("Check").DefaultView

        dv.RowFilter = "SeminarLocation='Willingboro'"


        Dim J As Integer

        For J = 0 To dv.Count - 1

            'Do Something...

        Next J