Sample DataSet SQL Select


        '******************* OPEN A DATABASE **************************************************************

        Dim objConn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & "c:\db1.mdb")

        Dim objCommand As New OleDbCommand()

        Dim objDa As New OleDbDataAdapter()

        Dim objDs As New DataSet()

        Dim objCommandBuilder As New OleDbCommandBuilder()

        ' **************************************************************************************************


        objCommand.CommandText = "Select * From Candidate"

        objCommand.Connection = objConn

        objDa.SelectCommand = objCommand

        objDa.Fill(objDs, "Candidate")


        'This Select Function Will Return ROWS, Hence the DataRow() dimension.

        Dim Rows As DataRow()

        Rows = objDs.Tables("Candidate").Select("Lname like '%s%'")


        'Notice the ROW is singular here....

        Dim Row As DataRow

        For Each Row In Rows








    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


        '******************* OPEN A DATABASE ****************************************************

        Dim objConn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" &             "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\cp\cp.mdb")

        Dim objCommand As New OleDbCommand()

        Dim objDa As New OleDbDataAdapter()

        Dim objDs As New DataSet()

        Dim objCommandBuilder As New OleDbCommandBuilder()

        ' **********************************************


        objCommand.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCTROW                                                                          candidate.ssntypelev,candidate.ssn,candidate.examtype,candidate.examlev, candidate.lname, demographic.demo8,             demographic.demo9 FROM CANDIDATE INNER JOIN demographic ON CANDIDATE.SSNTYPELEV = demographic.ssntypelev"


        objCommand.Connection = objConn

        objDa.SelectCommand = objCommand

        objDa.Fill(objDs, "CanDem")



        objDa.FillSchema(objDs, SchemaType.Source, "CanDem")

        objCommandBuilder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(objDa)



        'We have declared an array of DataColumn object.

        'Our CanDem table has 3 fields that acts as primary field i.e. Ssn-ExamType-ExamLev hence

        'we declared array to hold 3 elements. In case you have 1 field simply make size of the array = 1.

        'Next, we assigned which columns to be treated as primary key. Finally, we set PrimaryKey property of

        'the DataTable object.


        Dim pk(3) As DataColumn

        pk(0) = objDs.Tables("CanDem").Columns("ssn")

        pk(1) = objDs.Tables("CanDem").Columns("examtype")

        pk(2) = objDs.Tables("CanDem").Columns("examlev")


        objDs.Tables("CanDem").PrimaryKey = pk


        'Configure our Primary Key array....

        'These 3 elements makeup the primary key

        Dim a(2) As String

        a(0) = "888888888"

        a(1) = "ISC2"

        a(2) = "CERT"



        Dim r As DataRow

        r = objDs.Tables("CanDem").Rows.Find(a)

        If r Is Nothing Then

            MessageBox.Show("Not Found")



        End If


    End Sub




    Sample DataSet Relations


      Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click



        ' We have a database, c:\DB1.MDB, with 2 tables:  *

        '   Candidate  -- Fields(Lname, Id)               *

        '   Scores     -- Fields(Score, Id)               *



        '******************* OPEN A DATABASE **************************************************************

        Dim objConn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & "c:\db1.mdb")

        Dim objCommand As New OleDbCommand()

        Dim objDa As New OleDbDataAdapter()

        Dim objDs As New DataSet()

        Dim objCommandBuilder As New OleDbCommandBuilder()

        ' **************************************************************************************************


        objCommand.CommandText = "Select * From Candidate"

        objCommand.Connection = objConn

        objDa.SelectCommand = objCommand

        objDa.Fill(objDs, "Candidate")



        objCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * From Scores"

        objCommand.Connection = objConn

        objDa.SelectCommand = objCommand

        objDa.Fill(objDs, "Registry")




        'Setup our relations... **********************************************************************************

        Dim CanRegRel As DataRelation = objDs.Relations.Add("CanReg", objDs.Tables("Candidate").Columns("Id"), _




        'Example 1:


        'This shows how to loop through each relation in the table..

        Dim CanRow As DataRow

        Dim RegRow As DataRow

        For Each CanRow In objDs.Tables("Candidate").Rows

            For Each RegRow In CanRow.GetChildRows(CanRegRel)

                MsgBox("Last Name=" & CanRow("Lname") & "  Score=" & RegRow("Score"))




        'Example 2:


        'Define A Primary Key ********************************

        Dim pk(1) As DataColumn

        pk(0) = objDs.Tables("Candidate").Columns("Id")

        objDs.Tables("Candidate").PrimaryKey = pk



        'Find the record with an Id of '2'  ******************

        CanRow = objDs.Tables("Candidate").Rows.Find(2)

        If CanRow Is Nothing Then

            MessageBox.Show("Record Not Found")

            Exit Sub


            'Show The Scores for id found

            For Each RegRow In CanRow.GetChildRows(CanRegRel)

                MsgBox(CanRow("Lname") & " " & RegRow("score"))


        End If



    End Sub