Call This Routine, (AddDataGridStyle()), Just after the Datagrid1.DataSource = objDs.tables(“Table1”)


Cut and Paste Friendly Sub…

Cut and Paste Friendly Class…


    Private Sub AddDataGridStyle()


        ' Grid HouseKeeping **************************************************************************

        Dim MyGridStyle As DataGridTableStyle = New DataGridTableStyle()                            '*

        MyGridStyle.MappingName = "MyDataSetTable"                                                  '*

        MyGridStyle.AlternatingBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gold                                '*

        MyGridStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue                                           '*

        MyGridStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red                                            '*

        MyGridStyle.PreferredRowHeight = 40




        '*** Here Is A Sample DropDownList Grid Item *************************************************

        '                                                                                           '*

        'This Class Needs To Be Added To The Project...                                             '*

        Dim vColCombo As New MyClsDataGridComboBoxColumn()                                           '*

        vColCombo.MappingName = "Age"                                                                '*

        vColCombo.HeaderText = "Age"                                                                 '*

        vColCombo.Width = 150                                                                        '*

        '                                                                                           '*

        '*** Add Some Items....                                                                      *

        vColCombo.MyCombo.Items.Clear()                                                              '*

        vColCombo.MyCombo.Items.Add("1")                                                             '*

        vColCombo.MyCombo.Items.Add("2")                                                             '*

        '                                                                                           '*

        vColCombo.MyCombo.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown                                     '*

        MyGridStyle.GridColumnStyles.Add(vColCombo)                                                  '*




        '*** Here Is A Sample Boolean Grid Item **************************************************

        'Yes or No                                                                              '*

        Dim vBoolColumn As DataGridBoolColumn = New DataGridBoolColumn()                         '*

        vBoolColumn.MappingName = "YesNo"                                                        '*

        vBoolColumn.HeaderText = "Yes or No"                                                     '*

        vBoolColumn.Width = 50                                                                   '*

        MyGridStyle.GridColumnStyles.Add(vBoolColumn)                                            '*



        '*** Here Is A Sample Plain Old Text Item ************************************************

        'Name                                                                                    *

        Dim vNameColumnStyle As DataGridTextBoxColumn = New DataGridTextBoxColumn()              '*

        vNameColumnStyle.MappingName = "Name"                                                    '*

        vNameColumnStyle.HeaderText = "Name"                                                     '*

        vNameColumnStyle.Width = 50                                                              '*

        vNameColumnStyle.NullText = "No Name Given"                                              '*

        MyGridStyle.GridColumnStyles.Add(vNameColumnStyle)                                       '*





    End Sub




'These Classes are used by the AddDataGridStyle Routine...

Public Class MyClsDataGridComboBoxColumn


    Inherits DataGridTextBoxColumn


    Public MyCombo As MyClsDataGridComboBox

    Private m_isEditing As Boolean


    Public Sub New()



        MyCombo = New MyClsDataGridComboBox()

        m_isEditing = False


        AddHandler MyCombo.Leave, New EventHandler(AddressOf LeaveComboBox)

        AddHandler MyCombo.SelectionChangeCommitted, New EventHandler(AddressOf OnSelectionChangeCommitted)


    End Sub


    Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Edit(ByVal source As CurrencyManager, ByVal rowNum As Integer, ByVal bounds As Rectangle, ByVal readOnly1 As Boolean, ByVal instantText As String, ByVal cellIsVisible As Boolean)

        MyBase.Edit(source, rowNum, bounds, readOnly1, instantText, cellIsVisible)


        MyCombo.Parent = Me.TextBox.Parent

        MyCombo.Location = Me.TextBox.Location

        MyCombo.Size = New Size(Me.TextBox.Size.Width, MyCombo.Size.Height)

        MyCombo.Text = Me.TextBox.Text

        Me.TextBox.Visible = False

        MyCombo.Visible = True




    End Sub


    Private Sub LeaveComboBox(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)


    End Sub


    Protected Overloads Overrides Function Commit(ByVal dataSource As CurrencyManager, ByVal rowNum As Integer) As Boolean


        If m_isEditing Then

            m_isEditing = False

            SetColumnValueAtRow(dataSource, rowNum, MyCombo.Text)

        End If

        Return True


    End Function

    Private Sub OnSelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)


        m_isEditing = True



    End Sub

End Class


Public Class MyClsDataGridComboBox

    Inherits ComboBox


    Private WM_KEYUP As Integer = &H101


    Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message)

        If m.Msg = WM_KEYUP Then


        End If


    End Sub


End Class