Steve, Before you jump in and start copying and pasting code from here.. I want to give you some important “nuggets” to help you quick start..


1.       There some “hard coded’ aspects to the code below..

a.       var SidePanelDivId = 'dvPanel';

b.       var MainContentElementID = 'frmExamDefault';

2.       “Transition” in 2 places in the style sheet work together…

a.       .sidePanel{…transition: 1s;  

b.       .SidePanelMainContent{…transition: margin-left 1s;

3.       The main content element, (many cases will by your <Form>), has a specific ID and Class:  <form id="frmExamDefault" runat="server" class='SidePanelMainContent'>
and the sitedbar div has a specific ID and Class: <div id="dvPanel" class="sidePanel">PlaceHolderForData</div>



Check Out This Link For A Working Example…




1.     Include SidePanel.css  (code shown below will be placed in this .css file)

a.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="SidePanel.css">

.sidePanel {

  height: 100%;

  width: 0;

  position: fixed;

  z-index: 1;

  top: 0;                                                                                   

  left: 0;

  overflow-x: hidden;

  transition: 1s;

  padding-top: 60px;



 .sidePanelclosebtn {

  position: absolute;

  top: 0;

  right: 5px;

  font-size: 12px;

  margin-left: 50px;

  background-color: red;

  cursor: pointer;

  color: white;

  padding: 10px 15px;

  border: none; 




.SidePanelMainContent {

  transition: margin-left 1s;

  padding: 6px;



2.     Add this div to the page..  it will initially be hidden because the class “sidePanel” sets the width to zero..

            <div id="dvPanel" class="sidePanel">PlaceHolderForData</div>




3.     Give an ID to the content that will “make room” by sliding right.  In the below case it’s frmExamDefault AND give it the class “SidePanelMainContent
<form id="frmExamDefault" runat="server" class='SidePanelMainContent'>



4.     Add your ‘Open’ and ‘Close’ buttons to call our javascript functions openSidePanel and closeSidePanel

  <!-- Parameters: HTMLPageToLoad(Optional),%Width,%Height -->

                  <asp:LinkButton ID="lbOpenSidePanel" runat="server" OnClientClick="openSidePanel('child.htm',.5);return false;">Open</asp:LinkButton>

                  <br />

                  <asp:LinkButton ID="lbCloseSidePanel" runat="server" OnClientClick="closeSidePanel();return false;">Close</asp:LinkButton>


5.        Add the SlidePanel Javascript functions..


    // *********************************************************************************************

    // *********************************************************************************************

    //            SLIDE PANEL

    // *********************************************************************************************

    // *********************************************************************************************





  //Specify the Panel ID...

    var SidePanelDivId = 'dvPanel';

  //What ever is in this element will slide over to make room for the SidePanel

   var MainContentElementID = 'frmExamDefault';






function openSidePanel(ExternalHTMLFileToLoad, PercentOfWindowWidth) {


        //Changing the width of the Div to something greater than zero will get it to show.

        document.getElementById(SidePanelDivId).style.width = window.innerWidth * PercentOfWindowWidth + 'px';

                document.getElementById(MainContentElementID).style.marginLeft = window.innerWidth * PercentOfWindowWidth + 'px';



        //Add our external html if you wish......Otherwise it will just show what's already in the dvPanel

        if (ExternalHTMLFileToLoad != '') {


            //Add our CLOSE button...

            document.getElementById(SidePanelDivId).innerHTML = "<a id='lnkClose' href='javascript:void(0)' class='sidePanelclosebtn' >X</a>"

            //Add the onclick event  

            document.getElementById('lnkClose').setAttribute("onclick", "closeSidePanel()");


            //Add the externa html page...

            document.getElementById(SidePanelDivId).innerHTML = document.getElementById(SidePanelDivId).innerHTML + '<object id="objPanel" width="100%" type="text/html"  ></object>';

            document.getElementById('objPanel').setAttribute("data", ExternalHTMLFileToLoad);


        else {

            //Add our CLOSE button and append the already present content...

            document.getElementById(SidePanelDivId).innerHTML = "<a id='lnkClose' href='javascript:void(0)' class='closebtn' >X</a>" + document.getElementById(SidePanelDivId).innerHTML

            //Add the onclick event

            document.getElementById('lnkClose').setAttribute("onclick", "closeSidePanel()");





    function closeSidePanel() {

        document.getElementById(SidePanelDivId).style.width = "0";

        document.getElementById(MainContentElementID).style.marginLeft = "0";


    // *********************************************************************************************

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   // *********************************************************************************************

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