Sub QuickModalMessage(ByVal sMessage, ByVal sHeight, ByVal sWidth, ByVal sTitle)



        'USAGE: QuickModalMessage("Wow this is cool",200,300,"Here's a title for ya") 




        'Of course will need these references in the <head> section..

        '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

        '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

        '<link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="">



        Dim sDialogName As String = "MyDialogMessage" 'Default value

        'Create a div and add some properties...

        Dim dv = New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl("DIV")

        dv.InnerHtml = sMessage

        dv.ID = sDialogName

        dv.Attributes.Add("title", sTitle)



        'Form1 is the page's main form...

        'Add div to current form1...




        'This will do the magic...


        Dim s As String = ""

        s = s & "<script> $('#" & sDialogName & "').dialog({ resizable: false, height: " & sHeight & ","

        s = s & " width: " & sWidth & ", autoOpen: true,  closeOnEscape: false,"

        s = s & " show: 'slide', hide: 'slide',  modal: true,"

        s = s & " buttons: {  Ok: function() { $(this).dialog('close');  }   }"

        s = s & "}).prev().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').hide(); </script>"


        ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType, "javascript", s)



    End Sub