Move a database
* Important *
attempting to move a database file please ensure that you have a good backup to
go back to should things go wrong.
procedure for moving a database file varies depending on whether you want to:
Move a database file
This procedure
can be used for any database except 'tempdb' or 'master':
To move
one or more database files for a given database:
- Consider
backing up the database before you start, in case anything goes wrong.
- Get
a list of all the filenames for files currently used in the database. Do
this using:
Use MyDatabase
Exec sp_helpfile
This step
is essential - you can only successfully reattach the database by specifying
each and every file.
- Detach
the database. This prevents others from using it while the files are being
moved. Do this using:
Exec sp_detach_db 'MyDatabase'
You will
not be able to detach a database whilst it is in use.
- Move
the database files to their new location, or rename them, as
appropriate to your needs.
- Reattach
the database, explicitly specifying the full pathname of every file that
constitutes the database. This includes any files that were not moved or
renamed. For example:
Exec sp_attach_db 'MyDatabase',
- 'sp_attach_db'
can only be used with up to 16 files. If the database has more than 16
files then instead use 'Create Database' with the 'For Attach' clause.
- If
the detached database was enabled for replication and is attached to a
DIFFERENT server then 'sp_removedbreplication' should be run to remove
replication from the database.
- Only
members of the 'sysadmin' server role can execute 'sp_detach_db' and
Move master database files
to move the master database:
- Take
a full backup that you are confident you can recover from, incase anything
goes wrong.
- Stop
MS Sql Server.
- Move
the files that constitute the master database to their new location and/or
rename them, as appropriate.
- Change
the start-up parameters for SQL Server to reflect the change.
- The
easiest way to do this is to edit the parameters in the registry, under:
parameters are:
SQLArg0 -dc:\MSSQL7\data\master.mdf
SQLArg2 -lc:\MSSQL7\data\masterlog.ldf
- Restart
MS Sql Server.
- Whilst
it should be unnecessary, for confidence you may wish to check the
dbcc checkdb (master) with no_infomsgs
Move temporary database files
To move a
file that constitutes part of the temporary database use:
Alter database tempdb modify file
(name=<logical-name>, filename='<full-pathname>')
Alter database tempdb modify file
(name=templog, filename='e:\mssql\data\templog.ldf')
change will take affect when the MS SQL Server is next restarted.
These notes have been tested
against SQL Server 7.